Quote of The Day started recently while I was on vacation in Florida. This was my first real vacation since before university, I decided to take time to reflect and look towards the future. 
With this mindset I also wanted to share some of my life's mantras on my Instagram story, in hopes of inspiring or helping someone, whether or not I ever know I made an impact. 
This project features my photography in a vintage B&W style. I took a page out of TBWA/ChiatDay's brand playbook and went with their yellow/black/white color scheme, it's always been a favorite of mine. The reason for the color palette is merely just because I enjoy it, but I also believe these bright colors on the dark backgrounds really pull you into the content.
In terms of the form and consistency of these pieces, they will vary in their placements over time. Sometimes I will be very strict, other times I will be abstract. It's a project where I can also explore and have fun sharing what inspires me. 

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